
AGO BRISTOL 1775: From Warship to Prison Hulk

AGO BRISTOL 1775: From Warship to Prison Hulk VR is an innovative virtual reality experience developed by Priam Givord Studio and the Art Gallery of Ontario (AGO) in Toronto, Canada. This groundbreaking project aims to revolutionize museum experiences by transforming a 1775 British warship model into an immersive and interactive digital world.

Key features of AGO BRISTOL 1775:

  • Immersive 3D environment: Explore the meticulously recreated 1775 warship model with stunning 3D graphics and realistic textures.

  • Interactive exploration: Interact with objects, open doors, and discover hidden details throughout the ship.

  • Narrative experience: Follow an engaging narrative that takes you through the ship’s history, from its days as a warship to its later role as a prison hulk.

  • Multiple perspectives: Experience the ship from the perspectives of both officers and captured soldiers, gaining a deeper understanding of their experiences.

  • Educational value: Learn about the history of the Bristol warship and the harsh realities of life on a prison hulk.

  • Multiplayer mode: Experience the ship with friends or family in a multiplayer mode, allowing for shared exploration and storytelling.

Additional Highlights:

  • First-in-the-world live guide system: Participate in live guided tours led by AGO experts, enhancing your understanding of the ship’s history and its significance in Canadian history.

  • Collaboration between museum and VR developers: A unique collaboration between the AGO and Priam Givord Studio showcases the potential of VR to bring historical artifacts and stories to life in an engaging and immersive manner.

AGO BRISTOL 1775 is currently available for free on Steam VR headsets. This groundbreaking VR experience offers a unique and immersive way to learn about the history of the Bristol warship and the experiences of those who lived and served on it.

Nano VR